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We adhere to and practice SCG’s four core values: Adherence to Fairness, Dedication to Excellence, Belief in the Value of the Individual, and Concern for Social Responsibility. We are committed to technology development in petrochemicals and innovation examples of sustainability trends, while seeking to generate sustainable growth in ASEAN and other countries where we operate and create value for its customers, employees, business partners, communities, and stakeholders, following 17 SDGs, the principles of corporate governance and global safety standards. The effort is to improve the quality of life of individuals through the production of quality products and services, technological advancement, and innovation excellence that aligns with environmental trends and mega trends.

Adherence to Fairness
Anyone associated with SCGC, whether product users, shareholders, suppliers, business partners, or employees, will be treated fairly whether doing business or working with us.
Dedication to Excellence
In every spectrum of our business activities ranging from technology development in petrochemicals and innovation examples of sustainability trends, SCGC always work to attain better outcomes. We are committed to conducting business to the best of our abilities while seeking ways to continuously and persistently progress toward excellence — while it's all in alignment with sustainability trends, environmental trends and mega trends.
Belief in the Value of the Individual
SCGC places a great priority on employee value and views them as the most valuable asset. It has made a concerted effort to recruit morally upright and talented individuals into the workforce by offering them training, development, and appropriate care along with fair welfare and compensation.
Concern for Social Responsibility
SCGC has declared the intent to do business in accordance with our obligations and responsibilities to the nation and society as a whole. We will act responsibly and contribute positively to society and each community we operate in. Our effort is all aligned with sustainability trends, environmental trends and mega trends.

Embrace Challenges for Greater Good

The four core values are ingrained in SCGC people's beliefs and practices; they have been passed down from generation to generation, resulting in a corporate culture that marries talent with ethics. In addition, two extra core values have been introduced: Open and Challenge, which means welcoming new ideas and challenges for technology development in petrochemicals and innovation examples of sustainaiblilty trends and departing from the status quo. Then, everyone will be motivated to propel the business toward significant causes for the industry, society, and the environment. Our contribution here at SCGC is to be aligned with sustainability trends, environmental trends and mega trends.